Lamar & Joanna Salley

The Salleys

Since the year 2000, LaMar and Joanna have served in Costa Rica assisting in church planting, equipping leaders, and to strengthening existing local churches through leadership training and the help of short term missions teams. 

The Salleys have participated in 10 church plants, three of which LaMar currently co-pastors with a national pastor and Joanna oversees the ladies’ ministries.

Their ministry “GC2” which stands for Great Commission /Great Commandment, receives on average 10 teams a year from the states that come to help in our church planting efforts through evangelism, discipleship, construction, and medical outreaches. GC2 also receives 2-4 interns each summer who work alongside LaMar during a 2-month period. Each year GC2 sees around 1000 people respond positively to the gospel.