Mark & Sandy Acell

The Acells

The focus of Mark and Sandy’s missionary career (36 years) has been to reach Unreached People Groups (UPG’s) in Greater Central Asia. They began their ministry with Caleb Project in 1988 spreading the vision for UGS’s among Christian university students. In 1991 they moved to inner city London to lead a team in reaching out to Kurdish refugees from eastern Turkey. They returned to Caleb Project in Colorado from 1992-1995 until the way opened up for them to partner with both the Bible Correspondence Course and the Missionary Kids School in Istanbul through People International (1995-2001). They lived through the major earthquake of 1999 that killed 40,000 people and were able to minister afterwards to some of those affected. They long to see those in heaven who came to Christ through the Bible Correspondence Course in Turkey.

They then spent two years in England in the International Office of PI where Mark was the Assistant Field Director. When the opportunity of becoming the Recruiting and Training Director in the States opened up they moved to North Canton, Ohio in 2003. Without a doubt the Lord knew Mark’s skills and abilities lay in this area and over 100 people have been raised up to take our place overseas.

In 2023, they have moved into part-time retirement with Mark doing Muslim evangelism through WhatsApp, mostly among Muslims from Afghanistan, while Sandy continues to work remotely in the finance dept.